Welcome to Fashionlygeeknchic.webnode.com!!!!! Hope ya like it!!! ; D
Welcome to my website!! This is my first website so please don't make bad comments. To all of you I hope you have a great time!!!! I hope that you like it so happy times to all of ya'll and =D!! By the way this website is most likely for girls, but I won't judge you so go ahead and try it boys!
Blog Posts and Reasons
So if you ever come to my site I am going to have blog posts! I got this whole website idea from a movie and well it just inspired me!!! So now here are the top 10 reasons you should come to my site:
1. Blog Posts
2. Cool Decorations
3. News For Girls
4. New News
5. Awesome Pictures
6. Fashion Posts
7. All Colorful
8. My Designs
9. All New Site- You Should See It
10. Fashionlygeeknchic- COOL NAME!!!
Blog #4
05/18/2012 19:13Blog #3
03/10/2012 08:23Blog #2
02/20/2012 18:14Blog #1
01/14/2012 05:08Quizzes
Quiz #2
02/20/2012 19:32Quiz #1
02/19/2012 15:51Tags
The list of tags is empty.
The list of tags is empty.
Nothing to do?
01/14/2012 05:09HEY!!!!
01/14/2012 05:08Poll
Who is your favorite celebrity out of these 5?
Selena Gomez (14)
Taylor Swift (14)
Demi Lovato (12)
Katy Perry (12)
Ke$ha (14)
Total votes: 66
Who do you like better?
Zendaya Coleman (11)
Bella Thorne (15)
BOTH (15)
Neither I don't know these celebrities!! (11)
Total votes: 52
Do you Like Fashionlygeeknchic.webnode.com?
Of course, if you didn't you'd be outta your mind! (16)
Yes (14)
Maybe (Kind Of) (12)
No (12)
Total votes: 54
If you could pick your own name which of these would it be?
Melissa (12)
Katie (11)
Caitlin (12)
Lexi (11)
Other Name (16)
Total votes: 62