Welcome to Fashionlygeeknchic.webnode.com!!!!! Hope ya like it!!! ; D

Welcome to my website!! This is my first website so please don't make bad comments. To all of you I hope you have a great time!!!! I hope that you like it so happy times to all of ya'll and =D!! By the way this website is most likely for girls, but I won't judge you so go ahead and try it boys!

Blog Posts and Reasons

So if you ever come to my site I am going to have blog posts! I got this whole website idea from a movie and well it just inspired me!!! So now here are the top 10 reasons you should come to my site:

1. Blog Posts

2. Cool Decorations

3. News For Girls

4. New News

5. Awesome Pictures

6. Fashion Posts

7. All Colorful

8. My Designs

9. All New Site- You Should See It

10. Fashionlygeeknchic- COOL NAME!!!


Blog #4

05/18/2012 19:13
Hey! It's been a while since I posted a blog = ) Today is a new day! Wherever you are please check out my website! So today not much check out my facebook here =) :https://www.facebook.com/DesignerKrist. Check me out! So I am almost out of school. I can work on my website more hopefully! So...

Blog #3

03/10/2012 08:23
Hey!!!! It's been a while since I wrote a blog update. But guess what? I think more people might be going on Fashionlygeeknchic.webnode.com!!! So to see if they do come on, lets make it a special day!!! So, if you have any suggetions, please comment or send me an email!!!! Thanks!!!

Blog #2

02/20/2012 18:14
Hey, hey, hey! Well I think you should go on Zendaya.com. Guess what? CHICKEN BUTT! You know where? IN YOUR DAIRY AIR! You know why? YOUR BUTT'S DRY! Just kidding =P! HEHE. Well really, guess what? BELLA THORNE'S WEBSITE IS FOR SALE! But it's really expensive, 3500 DOLLARS! Well that's all the...

Blog #1

01/14/2012 05:08
Hey, hey, hey! So this my first blog. I wanted to tell you some style tips. STYLE TIPS: Style tip #1: Be the new you- Style diffrently, wear new things no one has seen before once a month or even once a week! Style tip #2: Be old fashioned- Wear clothes from the 90s, everyone will think you...


Quiz #2

02/20/2012 19:32
Quiz #2: This quiz is a geek quiz. See how geek you are! Now just send me some feedback to answer it, THANKS!!!! BE HONEST PLEASE THOUGH!!!!!!! Question 1. How do you do in school? A. Ehhhh, okay B. BAD KID!!!!! C. SUPER GOOD!!!! D. I have no idea Question 2. Do you like it when youe...

Quiz #1

02/19/2012 15:51
Quiz #1: So this is the first quiz. It's a birthday quiz. You will find that the answer is a gem, so r You can find the answer by sending me feed back, so have fun and feed back!!!!! Question #1: What is your birthday month? A. January B. February C. March D. April E. May F....


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Nothing to do?

01/14/2012 05:09
This is my first website!!! So all I want to share with you today is the new movie Frenemies on Disney Channel!!!! I hope you guys watched it. If you didn't you should. Well thats why I have this website, Frenemies just inspired me. Well I'm listening to the song Pose from Frenemies. So as I am...


01/14/2012 05:08
Hey! This is my new website, Fashionlygeeknchic.webnode.com! Sorry about the webnode part, but I can"t pay for Fashionlygeeknchic.com but I soon will!! So when you come to this website I will try to make it really fun. There will be polls, blogs, and lots of other things. This is just to tell...


Who is your favorite celebrity out of these 5?

Selena Gomez (14)

Taylor Swift (14)

Demi Lovato (12)

Katy Perry (12)

Ke$ha (14)

Total votes: 66


Which Soda?

Mtn Dew (13)

Pepsi (12)

Sprite (13)

Sierra Mist (11)

Powerade (11)

Hi-C (11)

Fanta (12)

Total votes: 83


Who do you like better?

Zendaya Coleman (11)

Bella Thorne (15)

BOTH (15)

Neither I don't know these celebrities!! (11)

Total votes: 52


Do you Like Fashionlygeeknchic.webnode.com?

Of course, if you didn't you'd be outta your mind! (16)

Yes (14)

Maybe (Kind Of) (12)

No (12)

Total votes: 54


If you could pick your own name which of these would it be?

Melissa (12)

Katie (11)

Caitlin (12)

Lexi (11)

Other Name (16)

Total votes: 62